

Unigasket Group, with great foresight, awareness and sensitivity, has developed its business management strategy with active commitment to an increasingly sustainable future at environmental and social level.

The acronym ESG is declined daily in our company into:


): policies that evaluate the impact of company activities on the environment (energy efficiency, gas emissions, water and waste management, etc.) and the development of products with raw materials that are able to respond to climate and environmental challenges.


Our company is made up of people who are our added value made available to customers; for this reason, we are committed to ensuring the best and safest working standards in compliance with gender policies, also ensuring a constant commitment to the civil community that hosts our industrial realities


Our company has a management evaluation system and a business risk management plan in order to properly monitor the management of activities. In Unigasket the key figure for the governance of sustainability is the Chief CSR Officer, a role entrusted to the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer, who is entrusted with the responsibility of proposing, coordinating and launching projects and initiatives in the field of social responsibility and the requests of stakeholders on sustainability issues and coordinate the preparation of the annual Non-Financial Statement